Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Irrigation Audits

Let our experienced staff assist you in meeting the requirements of MWELO

What Is MWELO?

The Model Water Efficient landscape Ordinance (MWELO) passed by the California State Legislature in 2010 and revised in 2015, requires  all permitted residential and commercial properties with new or rehabilitated landscapes of 500 square feet or greater to submit a Landscape Documentation Package (LDP) as a condition of project approval.

Amongst the many requirements of the LDP is the submittal of a Certificate of Completion (COC), which includes a third party audit of the landscape irrigation system, conducted by a Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor. Additional requirements of the (COC) include a soil management report, an irrigation schedule and landscape and irrigation maintenance schedules.

Schedule a Model Landscape Irrigation System Audit

Since July of 2015, Pacific Water Management has conducted over five hundred MWELO landscape irrigation audits at residential and commercial properties, production homes, apartment complexes, community parks, schools and landscape common areas and has developed relationships with City Planning Departments, Landscape Architects, Landscape Contractors, General Contractors, and Construction Superintendents.

The field audit consists of examining the various components of the irrigation system, reviewing the irrigation controller program and manually operating the remote control valves to assess the irrigation system performance.

A summary report is then generated and submitted along with the completed COC to appropriate City Planning Department for project approval.

MWELO Resources

MWELO 2015 Revision

Guidance for Local Agencies

Certificate of Completion