Irrigation System Retrofits

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    Today’s irrigation technology is rapidly changing. Products are being developed by irrigation manufacturers that deliver water more evenly, more efficiently and more affordably and most importantly that can save you money.

    irrigation-system-retrofits In many cases, simply retrofitting existing irrigation systems with water saving devices can produce significant savings.

    The experienced staff of Pacific Water Management is able to assess the performance of your irrigation system and identify products that will improve its efficiency. Through our water budgeting process we are able to estimate the water savings you can realize by investing in system upgrades.

    Our irrigation specialist is available to ensure that the water saving components we recommend are properly selected and installed and controllers that rely on weather and soil sensors are accurately programmed to ensure maximum water savings.

    Many water agencies and water districts offer their customer’s rebates on selected water saving products such as Smart controllers, rotary nozzles and rain shut off devices that can reduce the cost of retrofitting of an existing system. The staff at Pacific Water Management is able to identify rebate opportunities in your area, provide assistance in processing the rebate application and verify the installation.

    See an example of our Irrigation System Retrofit summary